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Developing a Personality Model for Speech-based Conversational Agents

Invited Talk at "Mensch und Computer" (MUC '20)


Online Talk (Video of ConversationalUI session, my talk begins at 37:30min, duration: 5min)

Developing a Personality Model for Speech-based Conversational Agents

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20)

Online Talk (12min)

Developing a Personality Model for Speech-based Conversational Agents

Virtual German CHI Week 2020

Online Talk (3min)

How to Trick AI: Users’ Strategies for Protecting Themselves Against Automatic Personality Assessment

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20)

Online Talk (15min)

How to Trick AI: Users’ Strategies for Protecting Themselves Against Automatic Personality Assessment

Virtual German CHI Week 2020

Online Talk (3min)

How to Do HCI Research if Your Users Are Off Limits?

Invited to Online Talk Show, April 2020


 Online Talk Show (1:30 h)

Understanding Emoji Interpretation through User Personality and Message Context

MobileHCI '19

Conference Talk (12min)

When People and Algorithms Meet: User-reported Problems in Intelligent Everyday Applications.

IUI '19

Conference Talk (15min)


Winter term 2021

Guest Lecture on "ExplainableAI"

Master course "Intelligent User Interfaces" | LMU Munich

Winter term 2020/21

Guest Lecture on "Transparency for Intelligent Systems"

Online course "AI Campus" | DFKI Saarbrücken & LMU Munich

Winter term 2019/20 and winter term 2020/21

Tutorial in "Intelligent User Interfaces"

Master course | Live coding sessions, developing assignments, advising on practical projects | LMU Munich

Winter term 2020/21

Practical class "Media Design"

Bachelor course | Advising on practical projects, session on ideation and user-centred design |  LMU Munich

Winter term 2017/18 - Winter term 2020/21

Supervising Thesis in Seminar "Media Informatics"

Master course | Coaching and supervising 12 students individually on writing a seminar paper | LMU Munich

Summer term 2020

Tutorial in "User Experience II"

Bachelor course | Developing slides and assignments, introduction to R | LMU Munich

Winter term 2019

Invited Guest Lecture on "Personality-centred Personalisation"

Master Psychology seminar | LMU Munich

Summer term 2019

Seminar "Media Informatics"

Master seminar | LMU Munich

Summer term 2019

Guest Lecture and Project Supervision "ExplainableAI"

Master course "Advanced Topics on HCI" | Gave a guest lecture and supervised a student project group | LMU Munich

Summer term 2018

Guest Lecture and Project Supervision "Automotive UIs"

Master course "Advanced Topics on HCI" | Gave a guest lecture and supervised a student project group | LMU Munich

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